Risk Manager is also include in the lists above. Enterprise Risk Manager is a HOT JOB now a days. Enterprise Risk Managment is the next professional upgradation practice in all major industries
I can search in Google and write it down but it is not the right way to answer.
After corona virus crisis everything will change.
It is not a good way to choose a career also. My answer is very straight
I want to earn more money.
Find out the career that matches with your strengths.
Find out the career that matches with your vision and mission
Try to build a team around your vision.
Take leadership n the responsibility for your leaders ship.
Sometimes your team will go away from you,
Create new team with the same mission.
Take the pain of failures. You may have great career in finally you might have great income. You are welcome to take my online course self Discovery to know more about your strengths and weaknesses.
Be ready to take my personal coaching and be ready to take the criticism because I am very hard on my clients and students.
I do it because I want to give them the best that I have.