Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020

career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

Kshitija Sawant | M.A. (Mental Health Couns...

21st of July 2020 | 2 Likes


Career Counsellors are trained to understand human behaviour as well as gauge an individual s aptitude, personality, career interests to name a few through a plethora of psychometric assessments. Given the thorough training that the experts have been through, a Career Counsellor understands that an individual s background and context needs to be taken into account before interpreting the outcomes of a report. Suggestions and recommendations are offered keeping the realities of the individual seeking career counselling as well as the outside world in mind.




16th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Trained/Expert career counselors know the right process and structure to guide someone. They are bound by the rules of counseling, hence they will provide you with unbiased and client centric approach. 

Expert career counselor will also guide you to find right solution keeping your circumstances in perspective. They tend to be ethical. 


16th of April 2020

Vijay | B.E. ( Bachelor of Engine...

29th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Career counselors are many in India because everybody love to counsel in India.

Many people who cousel  have many motives. But the export counsellors are rare commodity.

You should go to expert counsellors, counselor because

  1. They will try to find out the best in you.
  2. They will help you to link your strengths with the opportunity around you.
  3. They will offer you at least career plans. Plan a and plan b.
  4. It means that they offer contigency plants also. 

aadhira arora

2nd of May 2020 | 2 Likes


Career Counselling is a scientific process to empower students and professionals to select the best career suited for them. During the process, the counsellors explore the client s interests, aptitude, personality and various other factors which are crucial. For the process an expert is required due to the following reasons :

  • A counsellor uses psychometric tools either in online or offline mode to help discover these factors. An online version is preferred these days due to more accuracy. An expert can only use these tools. A person with no training would not be able to come up with accurate results. 
  • An expert counsellor will have the best knowledge of their careers. They can provide you with the careers with the highest demand. 
  • The expert can only understand your needs and help you in the process. The best career counselling in Delhi and India are provided by the expert counsellors only. 

Hence, always go for a counsellor with experience and expertise. 

Atul Srivastava | MPhil, MSc, PGDHRM, PGD G...

27th of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Career counselling is a pious ritual. Counsellors interact with candidates of young and impressionable minds and empower them to chart a career course ,In fact  course of life . The process is dynamically complex. Interplay of  a candidates personality, interests and values with the Skills & abilities have to be synergised positively.Candidates aspirations have to be finally aligned in the backdrop of these inputs. Absolute devout and passionate counsellors  with high grade skill sets and experience in the field are realistically equipped to handle and process such critical endeavours. Lack of knowledge or experience can result in irreversible and highly avoidable damages of permanent nature. Hence it is imperative that career counselling be undertaken only by experts in the field for optimum results.
